Recommend System AB test metric events
I build personal recomendation system for choosing games. In website on main page on special place there is collection of personal games recomendation. And after AB test(between 2 recommend system) I don't understand, what events I should collect. Only events after click on recomend icon or all events(recommend events plus events without choosing recommend game-user can choose game on other places such as finder)?
For example, one of the metric is sum payment per user per game. Should I collect payments only on recommend games, which was clicked, or all payments? As I understand, in theory, recomend system can give negative effect for site(user see advises and not to click for them). And If I collect only recommend payments, I can skip watching negative effect. On other hand, I build recommend system, and want to see metrics only for players, who click on advice icon.
What way is more correct?
Topic metric ab-test recommender-system
Category Data Science