Redux callback action

I'm very new with Redux. I don't know how to show and hide a textarea using switch (without saving). When my switch turns on, the text input displays and when it turns off, the input hides itself. I tried to use action hook but it didn't work.

Here's my code:

Redux::setSection( $opt_name, array(
    'title'     = __( 'Test', 'redux-test' ),
    'id'        = 'switch_buttonset',
    'desc'      = __( '', 'redux-test'),
    'icon'      = 'el el-cog',
    'fields'    = array(
            'id'       = 'opt-text-email',
            'type'     = 'text',
            'title'    = __( 'Title', 'redux-test' ),
            'id'       = 'switch-on',
            'type'     = 'switch',
            'title'    = __( 'Switch On', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
            'default'  = true,
) );

add_action( 'redux/field/' . $opt_name . '/switch/callback/after', 'compiler_action', 10, 3 );
function compiler_action( $data ) {
    global $opt_name;
    Redux::hideField( $opt_name, 'opt-text-email' );

Topic theme-options framework actions events themes Wordpress

Category Web

This is an old question but if you are still looking, what you want is the dependency option.

You can use it like this :

Redux::setSection( $opt_name, array(
    'title'  => __( 'Test', 'redux-test' ),
    'id'     => 'switch_buttonset',
    'desc'   => __( '', 'redux-test' ),
    'icon'   => 'el el-cog',
    'fields' => array(
            'id'      => 'switch-on',
            'type'    => 'switch',
            'title'   => __( 'Switch On', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
            'default' => true,
            'id'         => 'opt-text-email',
            'type'       => 'textarea',
            'title'      => __( 'Title', 'redux-test' ),
            'dependency' => array(
                'element' => 'switch-on', //Name of the field that will hide or show this one
                'value'   => array( 'true', 1 ) //The value it should have for it to be displayed
) );


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