remove empty paragraphs from the_content?
Hey guys, I simply want to prevent the creation of empty paragraphs in my wordpress post. That happens quite often when trying to manually space content.
I don't know why this doesn't take effect?
/*Remove empty paragraph tags from the_content*/
function removeEmptyParagraphs($content) {
/*$pattern = "/p[^]*\\/p[^]*/";
$content = preg_replace($pattern, '', $content);*/
$content = str_replace("p/p","",$content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'removeEmptyParagraphs');
seems like the problem is this:
function qanda($content) {
// filters for [q=some question] and [a=some answer]
// wraps it inside of div class="qanda"div class="question" /divdiv class="answer" /div/div
$content = preg_replace('/\[q=(.+?)].+?\[a=(.+?)]/is', 'div class="qanda"div class="question"$1/divdiv class="answer"$2/div/div', $content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'qanda');
i did this function myself to filter for a kind of shortcode pattern in my posts and pages. Even though in my backend the post is completely done without paragraphs and unnecessary spacings the outcome looks like this:
div class="entry"
div class="qanda".../div
div class="qanda".../div
div class="qanda".../div
any idea where this empty p's come from?