Remove more or [...] text from short post
I use a theme that have a character limit for shortpost and show [...] at the end of character limit.
I want to remove this, so I search for the_excerpt();
and replace with the_content();
The problem solve with normal content but still have problem with image post type and there is ?php the_excerpt(); ?
that when I change this my shortpost act like full post and it's not related to the length of post.
I try to open all PHP files in theme and looking for key words like: limit, length, excerpt for find where is the code that define the length of shortpost even search for "[...]" in all files and language but I don't know where is that come from.
But all I find is some line of code in function.php
if ( ! function_exists( 'string_limit_words' ) ) :
function string_limit_words($str, $limit = 18 , $need_end = false) {
$words = explode(' ', $str, ($limit + 1));
if(count($words) $limit) {
return implode(' ', $words);
And when I increase 18 nothing change!
What code I must looking for?