Renaming post formats after Gutenberg
I have renamed my post formats before, but since the Gutenberg update it doesn't work anymore.
I tried Aaron's translation-solution from the link below, but WordPress doesn't use the translations in the back end. Is there a new way to do this? I am not experienced enough to be able to dig this out of WordPress myself.
The link: Is it possible to rename a post format?
This is my attempt:
function rename_post_formats( $translation, $text, $context, $domain ) {
$names = array(
'Aside' = 'Breaking News',
'Status' = 'Notice'
if ( $context == 'Post format' ) {
$translation = str_replace( array_keys($names), array_values($names), $text );
var_dump( $translation );
return $translation;
add_filter( 'gettext_with_context', 'rename_post_formats', 10, 4 );
When I var_dump $translation after doing the str_replace, it contains the new names, but WordPress doesn't use it. Also, weirdly, it is dumped 5 times in a row (don't know if that helps).
Help would be greatly appreciated!
In case it was unclear, the place I want the names to change is in this dropdown:
Topic post-formats Wordpress
Category Web