rendering view in backbone
I'm attempting to write a plugin that will present a mostly pre-filled out form with a custom header. I've created a RESTful endpoint to supply and receive the data. And I've created a Model in Backbone.js:
var app={};
app.pilot_id = $("#user_id").val();
app.Pilot = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: POST_SUBMITTER.root + 'pilotdata/v1/pilot/',
sync : function(method, model, options){
return Backbone.sync(method, this, $.extend(options,
{beforeSend : function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader ('X-WP-NONCE', POST_SUBMITTER.nonce);
defaults : {
lastName: 'Doe' , firstName: 'John'
initialize : function(){
this.fetch({ data: ({id: app.pilot_id})});
app.pilot = new app.Pilot(); { after the fetch lastName will be 'Smith' and firstName will be 'Sue'
and I've created a form view using BackForm.js
app.PilotForm = Backform.Form.extend({
el: $("#personalInformation"),
events: {
"submit": function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); {patch: true})
.done(function(req, status, err)
alert( status + ', ' + err);
console.log(status, err);
.fail(function(req, status, err){
alert( status + ', ' + err);
return false;
fields: [
{name: "id", label: "Id", control: "uneditable-input"},
{name: "firstName", label: "First Name", control: "input"},
{name: "lastName", label: "Last Name", control: "input"},
{control: "button", label: "Save to server"}
I've also created a header view(not using BackForm):
app.PilotHeader = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#header',
template: _.template($('#name-template').html()),
initialize: function(){
render: function(){
this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON() ));
return this;
(template not shown) then calling the views:
new app.PilotHeader({model: app.pilot}).render();
new app.PilotForm({model: app.pilot}).render();
My problem is the header is using the data from _previousAttributes {John, Doe} and the Form is using the correct attributes {Sue, Smith}. I can not get the header to use the correct updated values. What am I missing?