resnet50 implementation for semantic segmentation
I am new to resnet models.
I want to implement a resnet50 model for semantic segmentation I am following the code from this video, but my numclasses is 21. I have a few questions:
If i pass in any rgb jpeg image into the model, I get an output of size (1, 21). What does this output represent?
Since I am doing semantic segmentation, my images dont have any rgb channels, so what should I put for image_channels in self.conv1?
I pass in an image for training, attached below (this image has a label ranging from 0 - 20 for the object class). After the image passes through the resnet mode, and I get an output of something in the shape of (1, 21). What does this output represent?
Topic semantic-segmentation image-segmentation pytorch python
Category Data Science