Retrieve posts inside foundation tabs and tab-content split by 3 per row
Template Name: Page information
get_header(); ?
div class="row"
div class="main-wrap" role="main"
?php do_action( 'foundationpress_before_content' ); ?
div class="row"
div class="column"a class="back-to-shop-link" href="/shop" title="Terug naar de shop" Terug/a /div
header class="featured-hero" role="banner"
img src="?php echo the_post_thumbnail_url('full'); ?" alt="?php echo the_title(); ?"
div class="info-tabs"
$i = 0;
$break_after = 3;
$counter = 0;
$args = array(
'post_type' = 'information',
//'posts_per_page' = 6,
//'orderby' = 'date',
$tabs = new WP_Query( $args );
?php // tabs for tabs ?
?php if ( $tabs-have_posts() ) {
while ( $tabs-have_posts() ) : $tabs-the_post();
if ($counter % $break_after == 0) {
echo 'ul class="tabs ' . $i++ . '"';
} ?
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#?php echo $i; ?"?php the_title(); ?/a
if ($counter % $break_after == ($break_after-1)) {
echo '/ul';
} else {
echo __( 'No products found' );
?php do_action( 'foundationpress_after_content' ); ?
?php get_footer();
I'm using foundation-tabs in combination with a while-statement to get 3 posts (tabs) per row. Which I got working. Each row has a set of 3 tabs.
What I can't figure out is how to get a loop inside one row where each row has to contain the post excerpt inside a container div class="tabs-content"/div
So after each ul class="tabs"3 tabs/ul
I want to have A tabs-content container with 3 tab-panels inside.
So how should I approach this?
The final result should look like this:
div class="info-tabs"
!-- first set of tabs and tabs-content --
ul class="tabs 0"
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"
!-- second set of tabs and tabs-content --
ul class="tabs 0"
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
li class="tabs-title small-6 large-4"
a href="#1"test/a
div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"
div class="tabs-panel" id="*"