Same dry and bitter taste with two different IPA brews
So I got a Chinook IPA kit last Xmas from Northern Brewer and made my first ever home brew. I followed instructions except I think I made the mistake of steeping grains in boiling water.
Everything about the beer ended up perfect except this nasty dry/bitter overtone that ruined what other wise seemed like a good beer. Color was amazing including a nice light brown head. I bottled some and kegged some and they were identical.
10 months later I am attempting a Brew Dog Elvis Juice clone (Elvis Juice 2.0). I steeped the Pale grains at 149°F for 20 minutes. Used Caramalt extract. Totally different hops in this recipe. 1060 OG.
So it's been fermenting for one week. I just added dry hops and peels per recipe and took a gravity reading and am at 1014 (FG target is 1010). Temp is 66.2°F.
So far so good, right?
Then I took a taste. DAMNIT. Same dry / bitter taste as the Northern Brewer Chinook batch. You can just about smell it, too.
Is it the water?
I am using filtered tap water out of the fridge water dispenser. Fairly hard water where I am. Also, besides that actual water, I did not boil 6 gallons of water. I only boiled 2.5 gallons per Northern Brew recipe. The rest of the water is added to the wort after it has been cooled.
Or is it something else? Infection?