Same validation accuracy, different train accuracy for two neural networks models
I'm performing emotion classification over FER2013 dataset. I'm trying to measure different models performance, and when I checked ImageDataGenerator with a model I had already used I came up with the following situation:
Model without data augmentation got:
- train_accuracy = 0.76
- val_accuracy = 0.70
Model with data augmentation got:
- train_accuracy = 0.86
- val_accuracy = 0.70
As you can see, validation accuracy is the same in both models, but train accuracy is significantly different. In this case:
- Should I go with the model which uses data augmentation, as it's train accuracy is higher?
- Should I expect overfitting from it, and choose the model without data augmentation as it's accuracy values are closer?
- Third option. Should I perform more comprobations? If so, which ones?
Thanks for your time.
Topic data-augmentation model-selection accuracy neural-network
Category Data Science