Saving repeated option values in a custom query
I have a custom Submenu page with my post type in which I am querying all posts and adding custom textareas and dropdowns that will repeat with each entry. The id and name for each field is the same accept the end of it is hyphenated with the post ID at the end. I want to be able to save the values entered in these fields and preferably once the data is entered instead of clicking a save button.
I figure that these texatareas and dropdowns need to be added into a group in order to save them, but I haven't done it in this fashion before. I usually have the values in the individual post. But, I need this section separate from the actual posts in the post type.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!
Here is what I have so far for this submenu page.
$args = array( 'post_type' = 'properties', 'posts_per_page' = -1, 'orderby' = 'title', 'order' = 'DESC', 'post_status' = 'publish' );
$myposts = get_posts( $args );
div class="wrap"
.widefat .room-column {
width: 3.2em;
vertical-align: top;
.widefat textarea {
width: 100%;
form action="" method="post"
input type="submit" name="update_statuses" value="Update" class="button-primary" /
table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed striped posts"
th class="manage-column column-cb room-column"Beds/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Address/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Renewal/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Future Rent/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Availability Date/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Deposit/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Last Showing/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Status/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Date/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Initials/th
th class="manage-column column-columnname"Notes/th
$count = 0;
foreach( $myposts as $post ) : setup_postdata($post);
$bedrooms = wp_get_post_terms($post-ID, 'bedrooms', array("fields" = "all"));
foreach( $bedrooms as $room ) {
$bedSlug = $room-slug;
$bedStripped = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $bedSlug);
th class="room-column"
?php echo $bedStripped; ?
a href="?php the_permalink(); ?" target="_blank"?php the_title(); ?/a
select name="renewal-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="renewal-?php echo $post-ID; ?"
option value="0"Choose/option
option value="No"No/option
option value="Yes"Yes/option
textarea name="future-rent-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="future-rent-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
textarea name="available-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="available-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
textarea name="deposit-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="deposit-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
textarea name="last-showing-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="last-showing-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
select name="status-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="status-?php echo $post-ID; ?"
option value="--"-/option
option value="nf"Needs Fees/option
option value="bgi"BGI/option
option value="fa"Final Approval/option
option value="a"Approved/option
option value="nd"Need Deposit/option
option value="dp"Deposit Paid/option
option value="ats"Appt to Sign/option
option value="rnl"Renew Lease/option
option value="ls"Lease Signed/option
textarea name="date-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="date-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
textarea name="initials-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="initials-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
textarea name="notes-?php echo $post-ID; ?" id="notes-?php echo $post-ID; ?"/textarea
echo 'div style="float:right;"Total: '.$count.'/div';
input type="submit" name="update_statuses" value="Update" class="button-primary" /
Topic autosave custom-field customization custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web