SciKit-Learn Decision Tree Overfitting
We have a project to utilize a few algorithms we have learned so far. I've been using SciKit-Learn to perform these algorithms, but when it comes to decision trees I keep getting a feeling I am overfitting.
I'm using a dataset about the weather, giving characteristics such as city, state, month, year, wind direction, wind speed, etc... where the target variable is the average temperature for the day. Now I know this is hard to classify, as it is pretty much a continuous variable space, but I've simplified it to the predicted being within a range of 5 to the actual.
Here is a link to the csv I'm using
The following is my code:
address2 = 'C:/.../weather.csv'
weather = pd.read_csv(address2)
cityCode= le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,2])
windDirection = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,3])
month = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,8])
precip = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,9])
windSpeed = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,10])
state = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,11])
week = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,12])
year = le.fit_transform(weather.iloc[:,13])
Xweather = list(zip(cityCode,windDirection,month,precip,windSpeed,state,week,year))
yweather= weather.iloc[:,0]
yweather_test = train_test_split(Xweather, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state=413)
cWeather = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(),yweather_train)
print(Classificaton accuracy on training set, accu_train_weather, %)
print(Classificaton accuracy on test set, accu_test_weather, %)
My training set constantly gets 100% training accuracy, but the test set is constantly 57% accurate, which leads me to believe the tree is overfitting to the training set.
I know I'm not doing any pruning, but even when I do, I can get the same test accuracy as unpruned at best. By pruning I mean setting the tree classifier to have a maximum number of leaves, minimum samples per leaf, and maximum depth.
Topic overfitting decision-trees scikit-learn python machine-learning
Category Data Science