Search ONLY by meta key / meta values
I'm almost there on this one.
On functions.php i have this:
function base_home_product_post_type( $query ) {
if($query-is_search() $_POST['box'] == 'sku') {
$query-query_vars['post_type'] = 'product';
$query-query_vars['meta_key'] = 'sku';
$query-query_vars['meta_value'] = $query-query_vars['s'];
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'base_home_product_post_type', 1);
And it does what it's told. Searches for the search string on the meta_key 'sku'. Problem here is that by default, the query object returned from WordPress also contains this and queries post_title
and post_content
by default:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS whirl_2_posts.ID FROM whirl_2_posts INNER JOIN whirl_2_postmeta ON (whirl_2_posts.ID = whirl_2_postmeta.post_id) WHERE 1=1 AND (((whirl_2_posts.post_title LIKE '%__SEARCH_STRING__%') OR (whirl_2_posts.post_content LIKE '%__SEARCH_STRING__%')))
I really don't want that when i'm searching only for the "sku" value, so I've tried removing it using posts_where
and some pretty ugly REGEX like this (warning, hacky and buggy):
function get_rid_of_titles($search) {
if(is_search() $_POST['box'] == 'sku') {
$search = preg_filter('|AND\s\({3}\w*\.post_title\sLIKE\s\'\%[^%]*\%\'\) OR \(\w*\.post_content\sLIKE\s\'\%[^%]*\%\'\){3}\s|', '', $search);
return $search;
But to no luck. Can anyone point me the how-to's to search onlu for the custom value in this case?
Thanks to @kaiser below, I got this working:
function get_rid_of_titles($search) {
if(is_search() $_POST['box'] == 'sku') {
$sku = $_POST['s']; // get search string
$needle = "LIKE '%$sku%'"; // search only for LIKE '%_SEARCH_STRING_%'. This is a multisite environment, so involving table names directly is a bad idea
$replace = "LIKE '%'"; // replace it with SQL Wildcard so any title and any content are welcome
$count = 2; // only the first 2 occurrencies which happen to be post_title and post_content
return str_replace($needle,$replace,$search, $count);
Topic posts-where pre-get-posts custom-field Wordpress search
Category Web