searchform.php override not working
I'm taking a Udemy class to learn how to make Wordpress plugins and themes. The video I'm on is having me override the default search widget with a custom one via searchform.php. From what I've gathered, this file should automatically be loaded with the rest of the theme as long as I have followed these steps:
/* Some other code */
include ( get_theme_file_path('/includes/widgets.php') );
add_action(widgets_init, 'ju_widgets');
function ju_widgets() {
'name' = __('My First Theme Sidebar', 'udemy'),
'id' = 'ju_sidebar',
'description' = __('Sidebar for the theme Udemy', 'udemy'),
'before_widget' = 'div id=%1$s class=widget clearfix %2$s',
'after_widget' = '/div',
'before_title' = 'h4',
'after_title' = '/h4',
div class=sidebar nobottommargin col_last
div class=sidebar-widgets-wrap
if (is_active_sidebar('ju_sidebar')) {
?php $unique_id = esc_attr( uniqid( 'search-form-' ) ); ?
form role=search method=get class=search-form
action=?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?
div class=input-group
input type=search id=?php echo $unique_id; ?
class=form-control name=s
value=?php the_search_query(); ?
placeholder=?php _e( 'Search', 'udemy' ); ?/
span class=input-group-btn
button type=submit class=btn btn-dangeri class=icon-search/i/button
!-- some theme html --
?php get_sidebar(); ?
!-- other theme html --
No matter what I change in the searchform.php file, it doesn't replace the default search widget.