Set Button in PluginDocumentSettingPanel Content (Wordpress Gutenberg)
I'm trying to create a new panel in the edit-post sidebar (Wordpress Gutenberg), I already managed to set the panel with the title and the text in the content part but I need to add a button there and no I find a way to do it.
var registerPlugin = wp.plugins.registerPlugin;
var PluginDocumentSettingPanel = wp.editPost.PluginDocumentSettingPanel;
// var btn = wp.element.createElement( 'button' );
var el = wp.element.createElement;
var __ = wp.i18n.__;
/* I tried to do it with a function, but it didn't work
function setButton() {
btn.innerHTML = 'Submit';
btn.type = 'submit'; = 'formBtn';
btn.onclick = function () {
alert( 'Button is clicked');
function MyDocumentSettingPlugin() {
return el(
name: 'my-document-setting-plugin',
title: 'My Panel',
icon: 'dashicon-name',
__( 'My Document Setting Panel Content', 'text-domain' ),
// setButton(), ---------- I need to add a button here
registerPlugin( 'my-document-setting-plugin', {
render: MyDocumentSettingPlugin,
} );
Please help :/
Topic block-editor plugin-development plugins Wordpress javascript
Category Web