Setting Time and Date Format in Python
I have a dataset with a time column and a separate date column in .xlsx format.
time column has values in the below format:
- 12:32:21.499145197
- 12:32:21.499145197
date column has values in the below format:
Apr 10, 2018
Apr 10, 2018
When I read the Excel file in Python, both get object datatype. So I first correct the datatypes.
For date I use below code:
df[dateConv]= pd.to_datetime(df[date])
I am unable to correct the datatype for the time column. I tried the below option, but it gives me a day field as well, in addition to fixing the time's datatype.
df[timeConv]= pd.to_timedelta(df[Time])
0 0 days 12:32:21.499136953
1 0 days 12:32:21.499145197
Also tried to use to_datetime and format option so it skips date. See below:
df[timeConv]= pd.to_datetime(df[Time], format='%H:%M:%S')
Get ValueError: unconverted data remains: .499136953
I also try a 2 step approach: Step 1: convert to datetime64. Step 2: trim date.
df[timeConv]= pd.to_datetime(df[Time])
2021-12-29 12:59:13.575038
Name: timeConv, Length: 50, dtype: datetime64[ns]
df[timeConv]= df['timeConv'].dt.time
I get time, but the datatype is back to object.
Name: timeConv, Length: 50, dtype: object
Please help. Also, I did not merge both time and date columns as I don't know if it's the best way as of now but may merge later if useful :).
Topic time excel dataset python
Category Data Science