Settings API - sanitize_callback is not called and it leads to an incorrect behavior
I am in the process of creating some options / the options page for my plugin. In the context of this I have only added two checkboxes so far to store boolean values. The creation, display on the page and saving works fine. Regarding future options, I wanted to test the validation of the options. For this I have created the function sanitize_options, which now simply returns the parameter it receives as a test.
public function sanitize_options( $data ) {
return $data;
I passed the function name to the function register_settings as parameter.
'faqdesk_general_options', //Group Name
'faqdesk_general_options', //Name of the option
'type' = 'array',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_options',
Of course, this doesn't make much sense or serve any purpose. But as I said, I just wanted to try it out. But now I had to notice that this function is not called at all. In addition, the option value is filled with NULL when I save the changes on the page. If I take the value sanitize_callback out of the argument array completely, everything works as desired, so error-free.
What is the reason for this, where is the error? Am I making a stupid thinking error? Please help me out and excuse me if I am simply stupid.
Following the complete class:
class Faqdesk_Settings {
* Single instance of the class
* @var null
* @since 1.0.0
protected static $_instance = null;
* Singleton
* @since 1.0.0
* @static
* @return self Main instance
public static function instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
* Add admin menu.
* @return void
public function settings_admin_menu() {
'faqdesk_main_menu', //slug name for the parent menu (menu_slug is set add_admin_menu() function in the class Faqdesk_Admin)
__( 'FAQDesk Settings', 'faqdesk' ), //page title shown in the title tag
__( 'Settings', 'faqdesk' ), //name of the submenu displayed on the Dashboard
'manage_options', //minimum capability required to view the submenu
'faqdesk_settings', //slug name of the submenu
array($this,'render_settings_page_content') //function to be called to display the page content
* Renders a page with a tab navigation to display the settings.
public function render_settings_page_content( $active_tab = '' ) {
div class=wrap
h2?php _e( 'FAQDesk Settings', 'faqdesk' ); ?/h2
?php settings_errors(); ?
?php if( isset( $_GET[ 'tab' ] ) ) {
$active_tab = $_GET[ 'tab' ];
} else if( $active_tab == 'social_options' ) {
$active_tab = 'social_options';
} else if( $active_tab == 'input_examples' ) {
$active_tab = 'input_examples';
} else {
$active_tab = 'general_options';
} // end if/else ?
h2 class=nav-tab-wrapper
a href=?page=faqdesk_settingstab=general_options class=nav-tab ?php echo $active_tab == 'general_options' ? 'nav-tab-active' : ''; ??php _e( 'General', 'faqdesk' ); ?/a
form method=post action=options.php
settings_fields( 'faqdesk_general_options' ); //settings group name - call references the whitelisted option which had declared with register_setting()
do_settings_sections( 'faqdesk_settings' ); //slug name of the page whos settings section should be outputed, therefore it outputs all the sections and form fields which has defined in initialize_general_options()
submit_button(__( 'Save general settings', 'faqdesk' ), '');
/div!-- /.wrap --
* This function provides a simple description for the General Options page.
* It's called from the 'initialize_general_options' function by being passed as a parameter
* in the add_settings_section function.
public function general_options_callback() {
$options = get_option('faqdesk_general_options');
echo 'p' . __( 'Adjust the settings, which concern basic details and functions of the plugin.', 'faqdesk' ) . '/p';
} // end general_options_callback
* Initializes the general options page by registering the Sections,
* Fields, and Settings.
* This function is registered with the 'admin_init' hook.
public function initialize_general_options() {
// Register setting: The group name can be anything actually, but I think its just simpler to name it the same as the option that will get stored in the database.
'faqdesk_general_options', //Group Name
'faqdesk_general_options', //Name of the option
'type' = 'array',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_options',
// Add section, which defines how the settings will be visually grouped
'general_settings_section', // also HTML ID tag for the section
__( 'General Options', 'faqdesk' ), // Title that will show within an H2 tag
array( $this, 'general_options_callback'), // Callback that will echo some explanations about that section
'faqdesk_settings' // slug name of the page which to show the section
// Add settings fields, describes how to add the form input
// SETTING: Cleanup on deactivation?
'delete_data_on_deactivation', // also HTML ID tag
__( 'Cleanup on deactivation', 'faqdesk' ), // Formatted title of the field, which is displayed as the label for the field on output
array( $this, 'toggle_delete_data_on_deactivation_callback'), // Callback function that will echo the form field
'faqdesk_settings', // The page on which this option will be displayed
'general_settings_section', // The name of the section to which this field belongs
array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. In this case, just a description.
__( 'Activate this setting to delete all data, when the plugin is deactivated.', 'faqdesk' )
// SETTING: Cleanup on deletion?
'delete_data_on_deletion', // also HTML ID tag
__( 'Cleanup on deletion', 'faqdesk' ), // Formatted title of the field, which is displayed as the label for the field on output
array( $this, 'toggle_delete_data_on_deletion_callback'), // Callback function that will echo the form field
'faqdesk_settings', // The page on which this option will be displayed
'general_settings_section', // The name of the section to which this field belongs
array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. In this case, just a description.
__( 'Activate this setting to delete all data, when the plugin is deleted.', 'faqdesk' )
} // end wppb-demo_initialize_theme_options
* This function renders the interface elements for toggling the visibility of the header element.
* It accepts an array or arguments and expects the first element in the array to be the description
* to be displayed next to the checkbox.
public function toggle_delete_data_on_deactivation_callback($args) {
// First, we read the options collection
$options = get_option('faqdesk_general_options');
// Next, we update the name attribute to access this element's ID in the context of the display options array
// We also access the show_header element of the options collection in the call to the checked() helper function
$html = 'input type=checkbox id=delete_data_on_deactivation name=faqdesk_general_options[delete_data_on_deactivation] value=1 ' . checked( 1, isset( $options['delete_data_on_deactivation'] ) ? $options['delete_data_on_deactivation'] : 0, false ) . '/';
// Here, we'll take the first argument of the array and add it to a label next to the checkbox
$html .= 'label for=delete_data_on_deactivationnbsp;' . $args[0] . '/label';
echo $html;
public function toggle_delete_data_on_deletion_callback($args) {
// First, we read the options collection
$options = get_option('faqdesk_general_options');
$delete_on_deactivation = isset( $options['delete_data_on_deactivation'] ) ? $options['delete_data_on_deactivation'] : 0;
$attribute = '';
if($delete_on_deactivation == 1) {
$attribute = ' disabled=disabled faqdesk-tooltip=' . __( 'Not so useful to set this when already at deactivation all plugin data is deleted...', 'faqdesk' ) . ' ';
// Next, we update the name attribute to access this element's ID in the context of the display options array
// We also access the show_header element of the options collection in the call to the checked() helper function
$html = 'input type=checkbox' . $attribute . 'id=delete_data_on_deletion name=faqdesk_general_options[delete_data_on_deletion] value=1 ' . checked( 1, isset( $options['delete_data_on_deletion'] ) ? $options['delete_data_on_deletion'] : 0, false ) . '/';
// Here, we'll take the first argument of the array and add it to a label next to the checkbox
$html .= 'label for=delete_data_on_deletionnbsp;' . $args[0] . '/label';
echo $html;
public function sanitize_options( $data ) {
return $data;
Topic settings-api validation sanitization php options Wordpress
Category Web