Signup Form that adds customer to MailChimp, redirects to checkout, and fills in form data
You can see what I am trying to do on this test page - the top button labelled MAILCHIMP + CHECKOUT is what I'm working on.
I am trying to accomplish 3 things (at the moment 2 3 are working on my test page):
- Send form data to MailChimp
- Redirect to checkout
- Auto-populate the checkout fields with the form data
I can use a plugin and make a form that sends data to MailChimp that works fine, but when I add code to do 2 3 the MailChimp plugin fails. The plugin I'm using is MailChimp for WordPress and the form I made with it is structured like this:
labelFirst Name/label
input type=text name=FNAME placeholder=First Name
labelLast Name/label
input type=text name=LNAME placeholder=Last Name
labelPhone Number/label
input type=tel name=PHONE placeholder=Phone required=
labelEmail address:
input type=email name=EMAIL placeholder=Email required /
input type=submit value=Give me 2 Weeks FREE onclick=/
The code I'm using to accomplish 2 3 is here:
var regForm1 = jQuery('#mc4wp-form-1'),
regBtn1 = jQuery('#mc4wp-form-1 input[type=submit]');
regBtn1.on('click touch', function(e1) {
billing_first_name = regForm1.find('.mc4wp-form-fields p:nth-child(1) input:nth-child(2)').val()
billing_last_name = regForm1.find('.mc4wp-form-fields p:nth-child(2) input:nth-child(2)').val()
billing_phone = regForm1.find('.mc4wp-form-fields p:nth-child(3) input:nth-child(2)').val()
billing_email = regForm1.find('.mc4wp-form-fields p:nth-child(4) label:nth-child(1) input:nth-child(1)').val()
// Add Cookies
if (billing_first_name billing_last_name billing_phone billing_email) {
alert(billing_first_name + - + billing_last_name + - + billing_phone + - + billing_email);
Cookies.set(billing_first_name, billing_first_name, {
path: '/',
expiration: 30
Cookies.set(billing_last_name, billing_last_name, {
path: '/',
expiration: 30
Cookies.set(billing_phone, billing_phone, {
path: '/',
expiration: 30
Cookies.set(billing_email, billing_email, {
path: '/',
expiration: 30
var url = `?add-to-cart=18074`;
window.location = url;
} else {
alert(Please fill in all fields);
// Fill in the cookies and immediately remove
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
const billing_first_name = Cookies.get(billing_first_name);
const billing_last_name = Cookies.get(billing_last_name);
const billing_email = Cookies.get(billing_email);
const billing_phone = Cookies.get(billing_phone);
if (billing_first_name) {
if (billing_last_name) {
if (billing_phone) {
if (billing_email) {
Any ideas on how I could make this work? Do I need to make something wait for something or do I need an entirely new approach?
Topic woocommerce-offtopic plugin-mailchimp forms Wordpress
Category Web