simple tax_query intersection
I'm trying to do tax_query for posts that have a term1 in taxonomy1 AND a term2 in taxonomy2
if I do:
'tax_query' = [
'relation' = 'AND',
'taxonomy' = 'taxonomy1',
'terms' = 'term1',
'taxonomy' = 'taxonomy2',
'terms' = 'term2',
I get all post with term1 in taxonomy1 AND all post with term2 in taxonomy2. I want the posts containing both terms: term1 and term2.
Thank you.
First, I recover al terms of "link-category" and pass it to the template:
public function links()
$terms = get_terms(array(
'taxonomy' = 'link-category',
'hide_empty' =true,
return $terms;
Then, in the template, I loop it with foreach:
@if (!empty($links))
@foreach ($links as $link)
div class="col bloque py-3"
$args = [
'post_type' = ['links'],
'post_status' = 'publish',
'tax_query' = [
'relation' = 'AND',
'taxonomy' = 'link-category',
'terms' = $link,
'taxonomy' = 'despacho',
'terms' = $despacho,
$link_posts = new WP_Query($args);
@if ($link_posts-have_posts())
h3{{ $link-name }}/h3
@while ($link_posts-have_posts()) @php $link_posts-the_post();
$link = get_field('url') @endphp
a href="{{ $link['url'] }}" target="{{ $link['target'] }}" {{ $link['title'] }}/a
This code collects a CPT called "link" to show it in the footer of this page:
This is the look of the footer:
Topic tax-query multi-taxonomy-query Wordpress
Category Web