statistical tests for null hypothesis - what if model is non linear?
I am reading the An Introduction to Statistical Learning (Gareth James alii, Springer) as a primer to machine learning.
I am reading the part in linear regressors, and learnt there are different tests for measuring correlations and significance of correlations between predictors (also named variables)- under the assumption that the model may be linear.
What about if the relationship between variables is (or assumed to be) non-linear ?
I also read that anyway many linear models concepts underpins a lot of statistical models.
Can you explain which could be a good practice when one has to model a context that he/she does not know yet?
Shall we test linearity because it is simpler , and if not found, we'll proceed with other tests ?
What about though, for testing correlations between variables in non-linear models ?
Topic data-science-model hypothesis-testing linear-regression correlation
Category Data Science