Steeping flaked barley
A question regarding steeping flaked barley in stouts.
Zainasheff Palmer's "Brewing Classic Styles" lists an extract-based recipe for stout. with flaked barley and roasted unmalted barley for steeping.
However, I thought that flaked barley must be mashed: it is unmalted, and steeping will only release proteins and a lot of starch. Virtually all my google searches end up with the same result: steeping flaked barley without some base malt is a bad idea.
Supporting this view indirectly is Palmer's "How to Brew", where the given stout recipe has no flaked barley in the extract version -- only in the all-grain version.
I have bought all the ingredients for the Zainasheff-recipe. Is it a bad idea to go ahead, and make an extract beer using only flaked barley and unmalted roast barley for steeping?