Structure of NN for input data with drop out
In financial markets, there is a simple problem of trading calendars varying across different countries. For example, Sweden observes Sweden National Day and Norway has Whit Monday. Typically, what happens then is that a time-series in the equity market that was closed for a holiday 'catches up' the next day when the market is open again.
For example:
| Date | SEK 1 | SEK 2 | NOK 1 | NOK 2 |
| Date 1 | + 0.2% | +0.4% | +0.3% | +0.6% |
| Date 2 | + 1.1% | +0.7% | +0.3% | +2.1% |
| Date 3 | -3.2% | -2.9% | NaN | NaN |
| Date 4 | +0.1% | -0.2% | -2.8% | -1.6% |
The objective of my model is to adjust the NOK returns for dates 3 and 4 since they have been distorted by the NOK holiday on Date 3. To do this I will use as many good dates as I have, such as date 1 and build a large dataset by randomly dropping out some data, adjusting the following the date and using the dropped out adjustments as the input and obviously I know the supervised output as the real data.
I feel that this would be well suited for a neural network, but I have never constructed one before with dropped out input.
Would it be appropriate to just build network where input data-points that are missing have no impact on the weights for that round? Are there any neural networks (or all) that do this by default?
Topic dropout neural-network
Category Data Science