tax_query showing no results
I'm creating a music database site with two custom post types: tracks and albums. I've linked the tracks to their respective albums with a custom taxonomy for the album's slug. On each album page, I'm trying to get a tracklist of the album by retrieving all tracks with a dub_album_slug
taxonomy that matches the slug of the current album.
Here's my code for that query:
global $post;
$post_slug = $post-post_name;
$args = array (
'post_type' = 'dub_track',
'tax_query' = array(
'taxonomy' = 'dub_album_slug',
'field' = 'name',
'terms' = $post_slug,
'orderby' = 'dub_track_no',
'order' = 'ASC',
$tracks_query = new WP_Query( $args );
At the moment, it doesn't output anything at all. Even if I manually put in a term that I know exists and has posts associated with it, nothing happens.
Here's the code I use to output the data:
?php if ($tracks_query-have_posts()) : ?
?php while ($tracks_query-have_posts()) : $tracks_query-the_post(); ?
?php echo get_the_term_list( $post-ID, 'dub_original_artist', '', ', ' ); ?
Here's my custom post type registration:
//Register Track Custom Post Type
if ( ! function_exists('dub_track_custom_post_type') ) {
// Register Custom Post Type
function dub_track_custom_post_type() {
$labels = array(
'name' = _x( 'Tracks', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ),
'singular_name' = _x( 'Track', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'text_domain' ),
$rewrite = array(
'slug' = 'track',
'with_front' = true,
'pages' = true,
'feeds' = false,
$args = array(
'label' = __( 'dub_track', 'text_domain' ),
'description' = __( 'Dub Tracks', 'text_domain' ),
'labels' = $labels,
'supports' = array( 'title', 'editor', 'revisions', 'custom-fields', ),
'taxonomies' = array( 'track-no', 'original-artist', 'original-title', 'original-released', 'producer', 'comment', 'album-slug', 'artist', 'riddim' ),
'hierarchical' = false,
'public' = true,
'show_ui' = true,
'show_in_menu' = true,
'show_in_nav_menus' = true,
'show_in_admin_bar' = true,
'menu_position' = 5,
'can_export' = true,
'has_archive' = true,
'exclude_from_search' = false,
'publicly_queryable' = true,
'rewrite' = $rewrite,
'capability_type' = 'post',
register_post_type( 'dub_track', $args );
// Hook into the 'init' action
add_action( 'init', 'dub_track_custom_post_type', 0 );
Here's my custom taxonomy registration:
//Register Album Slug Custom Taxonomy
if ( ! function_exists( 'dub_album_slug' ) ) {
// Register Custom Taxonomy
function dub_album_slug() {
$labels = array(
'name' = _x( 'Album Slug', 'Taxonomy General Name', 'text_domain' ),
'singular_name' = _x( 'Album Slug', 'Taxonomy Singular Name', 'text_domain' ),
$rewrite = array(
'slug' = 'album-slug',
'with_front' = true,
'hierarchical' = false,
$args = array(
'labels' = $labels,
'hierarchical' = false,
'public' = true,
'show_ui' = true,
'show_admin_column' = true,
'show_in_nav_menus' = true,
'show_tagcloud' = true,
'rewrite' = $rewrite,
register_taxonomy( 'dub_album_slug', array( 'dub_track' ), $args );
// Hook into the 'init' action
add_action( 'init', 'dub_album_slug', 0 );
Here's what I get from $tracks_query-request
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS dub_posts.ID FROM dub_posts INNER JOIN dub_term_relationships ON (dub_posts.ID = dub_term_relationships.object_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dub_term_relationships ON dub_posts.ID=dub_term_relationships.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dub_term_taxonomy USING (term_taxonomy_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dub_terms USING (term_id) WHERE 1=1 AND ( dub_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (16) ) AND dub_posts.post_type = 'dub_track' AND (dub_posts.post_status = 'publish') AND (taxonomy = 'dub_track_no' OR taxonomy IS NULL) GROUP BY object_id ORDER BY GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY name ASC) ASC LIMIT 0, 20
I'm not great with MySQL or how taxonomies work in the WordPress database.
I just thought of something that may be relevant. I'm using some code I found to order the tracks by the track number taxonomy. It modifies the MySQL query directly so I guess it could be causing a problem. Here it is:
function orderby_tax_clauses( $clauses, $wp_query ) {
global $wpdb;
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies();
foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
if ( isset( $wp_query-query['orderby'] ) $taxonomy == $wp_query-query['orderby'] ) {
$clauses['join'] .=SQL
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb-term_relationships} ON {$wpdb-posts}.ID={$wpdb-term_relationships}.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb-term_taxonomy} USING (term_taxonomy_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb-terms} USING (term_id)
$clauses['where'] .= " AND (taxonomy = '{$taxonomy}' OR taxonomy IS NULL)";
$clauses['groupby'] = "object_id";
$clauses['orderby'] = "GROUP_CONCAT({$wpdb-terms}.name ORDER BY name ASC) ";
$clauses['orderby'] .= ( 'ASC' == strtoupper( $wp_query-get('order') ) ) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
return $clauses;
add_filter('posts_clauses', 'orderby_tax_clauses', 10, 2 );
I hope you can help me out. Let me know if you need more code. Cheers