Time Series Plot for floating values

I have a Dataframe which looks as shown below

I am trying to make a line plot for looking at the peaks for both columns (a,b), I have gotten as far as


but the plot looks shabby,


I am looking to have something like this

Any Help is Appreciated.

Topic matplotlib plotting dataframe time-series pandas

Category Data Science

You can try this

wr.reset_index().plot(x='index', y=['a', 'b'], figsize=(10,5), grid=True)
  • The reset_index() will change the index back to column
  • The x = 'index' will use the date index as the x axis
  • The y=['a','b'] will plot both columns as two time series
  • figsize just tell the plot how big to be
  • grid=True will add a grid on the plot

You will need to give some extra 'love' to your styling to make it look exactly as your example.


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