Tips for brewing at high temperatures
I live in a tropical country and don't have an extra freezer, but I want to comeback to homebrewing. I'll dare to brew at high temperatures and would like to find ways to get a decent tasting beer. Here are some tips that I collected, can you give some more tips and recommendations?
Try to brew English bitters or Belgian ales. If you like (I don't) saison is best.
Yeast Strains
Some strains support better high temps. Here is a list I collected:
- US-05
- White Labs WLP065 (American Whiskey Yeast) — 75-82 °F (24–28 °C)
- White Labs WLP665 (Flemish Ale Blend) — 68-80°F (20 –27 °C)
- Wyeast 1388 (Belgian Strong Ale) — 64-80° F (18-27° C)
- Wyast 3725 (PC Biere de Garde) — 70-84 °F (21-29 °C)
- Wyeast 3763 (Roeselare Ale Blend) — 65-85 °F (18-30 °C)
- Wyeast 3822 (PC Belgian Dark Ale) — 65-80 °F (18-27 °C)
- WLP644
Wet T-Shit Cooling
Cool it with a wet t-shirt over your fermenter, put it over an bowl with some ice, water and salt, and use a fan to accelerate the evaporation. It will get some degrees down.
During fermentation, the temp of the wort will be 5-8 degrees higher than the ambient temp.
Chill your wort till room temperature.
Leave a couple of weeks maturing after the 2-3 days of initial fermentation. Also more time in the bottle.
Here the main 2 pages where I gathered this info:
Topic fermentation-temperature cooling yeast fermentation homebrew
Category Mac