Triggering a timewall after X days
I'm looking to implement a sort of timewall for a Wordpress website. The process for this would be the next:
- User accesses the site for first time (non-logged user).
- After 3 days, user is asked to register in order to see the content.
- User registers (logged user) and has access to content.
- After a month user membership ends and becomes non-logged user again.
- User has 3 days again to see content before being asked to register
Is there a way to achieve that using a cookie, for example? Is there a control for private browser navigation or IP switching?
I found this to trigger something after one day, but I'm not sure it fits with what I need:
$datetime1 = date_create(); // now
$datetime2 = date_create($last_log);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
$days = $interval-format('%d'); // the time between your last login and now in days
if(strtotime($last_log) strtotime('-1 day')){
// it's been longer than one day
Thanks a lot in advance!