Two questions on hyper-parameter tuning
Question 1:
In the example of logistic regression, I often see the regularization constant and penalty methods being tuned by a grid search. However, it seems like there are a lot more options for tuning:
{'C': 1.0,
'class_weight': None,
'dual': False,
'fit_intercept': True,
and many more!
So my question is: Are these other parameters typically not worth tuning, or are they left out in examples for another reason?
For example, I changed to solver='liblinear'
and got sub-par results compared to lbfgs
. Is that a coincidence, or are the other parameters already at their best by default?
Question 2:
Does performing grid search on hyper-parameters guarantee improved performance when tested on the same data set?
I ask because my intuition was "yes", however I got slightly lower scores after tuning my regularization constant:
p_grid = {
'C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)
clf = model_selection.GridSearchCV(classifier_os, p_grid, scoring='accuracy'), y_train)
y_pred = clf.predict(x_test)
metrics.classification_report(y_pred, y_test, output_dict=True)
Gives me the following scores (C=10):
accuracy : 0.8218181818181818
macro avg:
precision : 0.8210875331564986
recall : 0.8213603058298822
f1-score : 0.8212129655428624
support : 275
As compared to before tuning (C=1):
accuracy : 0.8290909090909091
macro avg:
precision : 0.8287798408488063
recall : 0.8285358354537744
f1-score : 0.8286468069310212
The only thing that the tuning changed was to make the regularization constant C=10
instead of the default C=1