Understanding Conv1D Output Shape
I am a little confused with the output shape that Conv1D produces. Consider the code I have used as the following (a lot has been omitted for clarity):
input_shape = x_train_2trans.shape
# (7425, 24, 1)
model.add(Conv1D(filters=4, input_shape=input_shape[1:], kernel_size=(3), activation=LeakyReLU))
I have tried 3 different kernel sizes of 3, 2 and 1, where the output size produced are:
(256, 2500, 12, 1), (256, 2500, 18, 1), (256, 2500, 24, 1), respectively.
What I am confused with is the difference of 6 between each drop of kernel size. To my understanding for a kernel size of 3, the 12 should be a 21; whereas the 18 for a kernel size of 2 should be 22, in order to fit into the shape of 24 with the specified kernel sizes.
Thanks in advance.
Topic keras convolutional-neural-network tensorflow machine-learning
Category Data Science