Upload Wordpress Plugin from ZIP Broken - Returns Symbols Squares & question marks
I am trying to upload plugins to my wordpress website. However, when I click Install Now my wordpress reloads and prints out a long string of symbols like this:
#�EU퇘0'��������q=�y����������{��V�㝀�P(�-���=�p=�%'G�dB���߯��_�����a���k ��� bB#�t!81Q�j@H��L˷֝qTvR���Q� �����������{3W7�9��u����g�:��������.�d|�L$EY�Y��SF� �)T*�2R�ɮ�4C�!
Everything else on my site works fine AND I can add plugins by searching and clicking Install Now.
I guess there's a corrupted file? I have literally no clue and couldn't find anything by googling.
Server details:
- Wordpress 5.5
- Hosted on Siteground with Cloudflare
- Deactivated all plugins and problem still occurs
- I just pushed from my dev environment to my live (I used Local by Flywheel and WP Migrate DB Pro)
Update: I don't know what happened, but when I checked my installed plugins list ... the plugin was there and not activated.
I guess the activate now screen is broken for my wordpress installation.
Topic ziparchive installation plugins Wordpress
Category Web