Use third party Library in wordpress
The GA third party library works with php 5.5 and above, i have this.
They say to install this via Composer, since i am new to php i have no idea where is it located and will this work on WordPress? Please help me here
Here is Github's url of Third party Library >>
According to the third party GA Library DOcumentation, i need to add this code to composer:
{ "require": { "theiconic/php-ga-measurement-protocol": "^2.0" } }
After that I need to run this code on Wordpress pages Posts which is related to library
//We've passed the Google client_id in Calendly's placeholder for utm_term. Feel free to pass it differently, this is just an example if(property_exists($objCalendlySubmission-payload-tracking, 'utm_term') !empty($objCalendlySubmission-payload-tracking-utm_term)) { $strPageViewed = 'calendly_conversion.html'; // We use different page names depending on what type of event was scheduled via Calendly sendGoogleAnalyticsPageView($objCalendlySubmission-payload-tracking-utm_term, $strPageViewed); } function sendGoogleAnalyticsPageView($strGAClientId, $strURL) { require_once '/path_to_composer/composer/vendor/autoload.php'; //loads the PHP library for the "Google Analytics Measurement Protocol” $analytics = new TheIconic\Tracking\GoogleAnalytics\Analytics(true); //you may have to adjust this path based on your setup $analytics -setProtocolVersion('1') -setTrackingId('YOUR-GA-UA-ID-GOES-HERE') -setClientId($strGAClientId) -setDocumentLocationUrl($strURL); $analytics-sendPageview(); //here's where all the effort pays off - this part is simple :) } ?
Please help me implement this code and run this library on wordpress.
Any help will be appreciated
Topic third-party-applications functions library Wordpress
Category Web