Using customised language file for Event Organiser plugin?

I'm using WP 3.4.1 with German language files and started using the Event Organiser plugin. This plugins already comes with some German language files, but I'm not 100% happy with it due to following reasons:

  • Some typos
  • Mixture of informal (Du) and formal (Sie) usage
  • Some unusual sentence structure (translated one by one from English - not a real mistake, but it sounds weird)
  • The term 'Event' is not translated at all. Depending on the audience that might be okay, since 'Event' is also used in German language (the more 'modern' style), but for my designated audiance the translation of Event (Veranstaltung) would fit better.

So I created a customer version of the German .po and .mo files and uploaded it back to the wp-content/plugins/event-organiser/languages directory. Unfortunately those will be overwritten every time the plugin gets updated.

Is there a way to place the custom language files to anywhere else so they don't get overwritten by an update but pulled before the ones in the plugin's language folder? I tried to put the and eventorganiser-de_DE.po to the wp-content/languages and the wp-content/themes/theme/languages folder, but it looks like that the language files won't be pulled from there.

So any ideas how to 'resolve' this issue? I could also do the translation and provide the language files to be part of the main plugin, but I could imagine that then other people would complain that it is 'Veranstaltung' and not 'Event' anymore ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance!

P.S.: For Stephen, the author of the plugin (if you see this here ;-)), it's me, Mathias, who posted in the bugs forum of your page yesterday. But I didn't know where to ask this question on your site, so I ask it here and hope that anybody responds ;-)

Topic plugin-event-organiser Wordpress

Category Web

Put your language files to a place where they are not overwritten. Then change the path to your custom language files on 'load_textdomain_mofile'.

Pseudo-code, you have to change the path and the text domain:

add_filter( 'load_textdomain_mofile', 'wpse_63643_custom_eo_lang', 10, 2 );

function wpse_63643_custom_eo_lang( $mofile, $domain )
    if ( 'eventorganiser' === $domain )
        remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
        return '/full/path/to/your/language/';

    return $mofile;

As with every »bug« you find (typos in language files are bugs too):

  • Contact the developer
  • Search if the plugin is on GitHub
    • If so: Fork, Clone, Pull Request source means contributing too!


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