Using SMOTENC in a pipeline
I am trying to figure out the appropriate way to build a pipeline to train a model which includes using the SMOTENC algorithm:
Given that the N-Nearest Neighbors algorithm and Euclidian distance are used, should the data by normalized (Scale input vectors individually to unit norm). Prior to applying SMOTENC in the pipeline?
Can the algorithm handle missing values? If data imputation and outlier removal based on median and percentiles values are performed prior to SMOTENC rather than after it, wouldn’t this bias the imputation/percentiles?
Can SMOTENC be applied after one-hot encoding and defining the numerical binary columns as categorical features?
When the pipeline is included in a cross validation schema, will the data balancing only be applied to the imbalanced training fold or also for the test fold?
Here is how my pipeline currently looks like:
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline as Pipeline_imb
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTENC
categorical_features_bool = [True, True, ……. False, False]
smt = SMOTENC(categorical_features =categorical_features_bool,
preprocess_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(
('Winsorize', FunctionTransformer(winsorize, validate=False,
kw_args={'limits':[0, 0.02],'inplace':False,'axis':0}),
('num_impute', SimpleImputer(strategy='median', add_indicator=True) ,
], remainder='passthrough', #passthough features not listed
verbose = False
Model = LogisticRegression()
model_pipeline = Pipeline_imb([
('preprocessing', preprocess_pipeline),
('smt', smt),
('Std', StandardScaler()),
('classifier', Model)
Topic smotenc imbalanced-learn smote class-imbalance
Category Data Science