Using the admin Featured Image's modal in the front end
I am trying to get the new upload frame of the featured image used in the admin side, but the one used in the front is different. I will show you some screenshots:
In the admin section when I click into the Add Featured Image I get this modal box frame:
But when I click in the link of my front end I got this modal box frame instead:
Here is the code used to create the form in the front end:
if ( fp_get_option(fps_show_feat_img, false) !== false )
echo 'div class=frontier-thumbnail';
echo 'fieldset class=frontier_post_fieldset_tax frontier_post_fieldset_tax_featured';
echo 'legend class=frontier_post_legend_featured'.__(Featured image, frontier-post).'/legend';
if ( fp_get_option('fps_show_feat_img') === simple )
echo 'div id=frontier_post_featured_image_label'.__(Upload featured image,frontier-post).:br/div;
echo 'input type=file name=thumbnail id=thumbnailbr';
echo 'div id=frontier_post_featured_image_txt'.__(Not uploaded until post is saved, frontier-post).'/div';
//echo 'br';
$uparms = '?post_id='.$post_id;
$uparms .= 'amp;'.'type=image';
$uparms .= 'amp;'.'TB_iframe=1';
$uparms .= 'amp;'.'inline=1';
$uparms .= 'amp;'.'tab=library';
echo 'a title='.__(Select featured image).' href='.site_url('/wp-admin/media-upload.php').$uparms.' id=set-post-thumbnail name=set-post-thumbnail class=thickbox';
echo __(Select featured image, frontier-post).'/abr';
echo 'div id=frontier_post_featured_image_txt'.__(Not updated until post is saved, frontier-post).'/div';
echo 'br';
if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id))
$thumpid = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'small', array('class' = 'frontier-post-feat-img'));
$thumpid = -1;
echo 'input id=_thumbnail_id name=_thumbnail_id value='.$thumpid.' type=hidden';
echo '/fieldset';
echo '/div';
} // end featured image
} // end tags and featured image
I also added the next code to enqueue all the scripts needed for the but got the same result.
function enqueue_media_uploader()
//this function enqueues all scripts required for media uploader to work
add_action(wp_enqueue_scripts, enqueue_media_uploader);
Topic media-modal media-library front-end post-thumbnails plugins Wordpress
Category Web