Video to stretch across the entire homepage
Where could I find a framework for a homepage where I can have an HTML video stretched all the way across (to a certain max resolution would be fine, like max-width: 2500px or something)?
I am using a TwentyTwelve theme I customized. All I need is a top header bar for logo and nav (100px tall) and a footer of the same size. The rest of the screen can be the video.
This is kind of what I have as a simple base to start. Defining the #page width as something large seems to fill the screen. The rest of the elements inside are set to width: 100% by default so that seems fine too. Just can't seem to make the video stretch and fill the parent div.
div id="page" style="width: 2400px; max-width: 2500px;"
!-- Logo and nav here --
div id="main" class="wrapper"
video id="video_688987199_html5_api" class="vjs-tech" preload="auto" autoplay="" data-setup="{}" src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/video.mp4" poster="null"
source src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/video.webm" type="video/webm"
Topic video-header responsive homepage customization Wordpress
Category Web