Vimeo thumbnails

I use Advanced Custom Fields to show Vimeo videoes on a site I am creating for a client - The client pastes the vimeo ID (the last letters in the url) in a field, and the video is shown. But I would also like to show thumbnail of the video, I am using the following (not working code) for this:

$imgid = the_field('video_link');
$hash = unserialize(file_get_contents("$imgid.php"));
echo $hash[0]['thumbnail_medium'];  

This code only shows the video-ID on the page. But if I, instead for "the_field('video_link')" writes the video-ID in the code - the thumbnail URL is displayed. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? :)

Topic vimeo advanced-custom-fields custom-field Wordpress

Category Web

If you want to get the Vimeo thumbnail via ID I setup a small application that let’s you do it like so:

//vimeo thumb generator PHP
function getVimeoImg($id, $size = 'thumbnail_large'){
   if(get_transient('vimeo_' . $size . '_' . $id)){
      $thumb_image = get_transient('vimeo_' . $size . '_' . $id);
      $json = json_decode( file_get_contents( "" . $id . ".json" ) );
      $thumb_image = $json[0]->$size;
      set_transient('vimeo_' . $size . '_' . $id, $thumb_image, 2629743);
  return $thumb_image;

add this to functions.php

than call thumbnail echo getVimeoImg('videoID');

Maybe this can help

$videoID = the_field('video_link');
$jsonurl = ''.$videoID.'.json';
$json = file_get_contents($jsonurl,0,null,null);
$json_output = json_decode($json,true);
echo '<img src="'. $json_output[0]['thumbnail_large'] .'" />';

It's the same call using json method


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