What are the competing formulas for determining target Residual Alkalinity from SRM?
In John Palmer's spread sheet, he calculates the low target RA as
SRM * 12.2 - 122
He calculates the high target RA as
This BYO article states that
`target SRM = 0.14 * RA[CaCO3] + 5.2`,
or to restate it,
`RA as CaCO3 = (SRM - 5.2) / 0.14`
and taking the reciprocal of the divisor we get
RA as CaC03 = (SRM - 5.2) * 7.14
This is similar to John Palmer's high target of (SRM-5.2)*12.2
So given a beer with 33 SRM, The BYO produces a target RA of ~200 and Palmer's high target produces a target RA of ~339 (his low target is 280).
How many competing formulas are there?
Which ones are used in the brewing software and how did they get selected over a competing formula?