What are the competing formulas for determining target Residual Alkalinity from SRM?

In John Palmer's spread sheet, he calculates the low target RA as

SRM * 12.2 - 122

He calculates the high target RA as


This BYO article states that

`target SRM = 0.14 * RA[CaCO3] + 5.2`, 

or to restate it,

`RA as CaCO3 = (SRM - 5.2) / 0.14`

and taking the reciprocal of the divisor we get

RA as CaC03 = (SRM - 5.2) * 7.14

This is similar to John Palmer's high target of (SRM-5.2)*12.2.

So given a beer with 33 SRM, The BYO produces a target RA of ~200 and Palmer's high target produces a target RA of ~339 (his low target is 280).

How many competing formulas are there?

Which ones are used in the brewing software and how did they get selected over a competing formula?

Topic srm homebrew

Category Mac

This article will probably shed some light on the subject for you (it did for me). Also, see this article for a more specific discussion on the correlation of color to pH.

Remember, though, that the relationship between color and pH can be quite loose. The final remarks in the first linked article state "the approach outlined here only provides for a crude estimation of the mash pH and that there are cases where this prediction will not be correct". To quote Palmer, "You can use the calculated color of a beer recipe as a guide, but don’t rely on it as gospel to determine the appropriate amount of residual alkalinty; it is a general relationship, like cloud color and rain".

Hope this is helpful.

e: Worth noting that the experiments on which these conclusions are based note that "[i]t was found that Kolbach's pH change based on residual alkalinity is generally used incorrectly in (home) brewing and that it depends on more factors than just the residual alkalinity of the brewing water when mash pH is of interest" (the Kolbach method being cited by both the Palmer and BYO articles).


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