What are the Consequences of Steeping Grains, Removing Kettle, and Finish the Brew 24 hours later?
I was half way through steeping my specialty grains (from an extract kit) when I realized that my four 6.5 gallon carboys were already in use and I forgot to purchase another one.
I decided to let the temperature get up to 160F and pull the grains out, clean off the lid to my kettle, place it on and threw the kettle in the refrigerator.
I plan on resuming my brew tomorrow, roughly 24 hours from now.
Was this the right thing to do? I called the only people I knew to see if I could purchase a carboy off them because the stores were closed, but no carboys were available.
Would it have been better to make the wort, add the hops, and boil for 60 minutes as usual, put it in an ice bath, then put it in the fridge, and boil it for a few minutes tomorrow before adding yeast?
Topic specialty-grains homebrew
Category Mac