What are the UK regulations for transporting compressed CO2?
I'm about to upgrade to cornelius kegs and have located a retailer that will sell the public "pub gas" in 6.35Kg cylinders.
What are the UK regulations for transporting this in my car? Do I need to purchase one of the green diamond, compressed gas, warning labels to stick on my car? These are usually 10cm x 10 cm - is this the minimum permitted size?
I have seen 3 wording varieties of the green diamonds warning labels:
- compressed gas
- non-flammable compressed gas
- non-flammable non-toxic compressed gas
Are all of these within the regulations?
Finally, being a newcomer to transporting gas, what is the safest way to transport it in a standard saloon type car (e.g. the boot, back seat, upright in the passenger seat, doesn't matter)?
Thanks in advance