What does a good crush look like, and does it matter if grains are overcrushed if batch sparging?
I am looking for some advice on what a good crush looks like, and whether it matters on my system. The opinions and pics online are all over the place on this.
Background: I am buying small-batch all-grain kits at my LHBS, and the grains come pre-crushed. I am pretty new to all-grain. I batch sparge in a two-gallon cooler, using a paint strainer bag instead of a false bottom or bazooka screen. The crushed grains have mostly whole husks separated from the kernel, what seems like a lot of flour, and about an 80-20 mix of broken kernels to whole kernels.
Does the crush, especially having a high flour ratio) make a difference if I am batch sparging? I don't have to worry about stuck sparges, but my wort is very cloudy. My finished beer is hazy.
I am getting absorbtion of around 0.25 gal./lb., which is around double the 0.13 gal./lb. rate I saw on this forum. (I calculate absorbtion as: [water into mash tun] - [volume of two runnings into boil kettle]. My mash tun has negligible dead space, and I run everything out on the second runnings.) Could the crush explain my higher-than-predicted absorbtion rate?
If it matters in answering my question, my efficiency into the fermenter is around 62-63% on my system using this crushed grain, I don't test pH or my water, I use bottled water, my strike water to grain ratio is 1.5 qts/lb., and I then add my sparge water based on how much more wort I need by measuring first runnings.
Edit: Correction, I misread my notes on what I am collecting. My absorbtion loss is a hair over one quart per two lbs. of grain, so that is squarely in the .125 gal./lb. that the experts tell us to expect.