What is the white film on my beer in my bottles?
I brewed a double batch of IPA with a buddy about 8 weeks ago.
We split this into two 5 gallon pails and 2 weeks later into two carboys. His was fine, but mine developed a bit of white stuff on the top of the beer.
It smelt fine and tasted OK so I bottled it after 2 more weeks.
After being in the bottles about 10 days I decided to try some. I noticed that all the bottles had a slight white film on the top of the beer.
I poured a bit and there was a slight taste that was off to it. A bit sour maybe or alcohol-y. Not too bad but a hint.
I decided to leave it and two weeks later (last night) tried another bottle. It tastes fine now, but the white film is still there - although not getting worse.
When I poor the beer this film separates into little flecks of white that will float on the surface in my glass. Not a lot, but I notice it.
I'm thinking the carboy I used wasn't as sanitized as it should have been.
I'm curious as to what this may be and if it is safe to drink it. I don't want to give something to my friends when they are over that may make them sick in any way.
Topic contamination bottling off-flavor homebrew troubleshooting
Category Mac