What size mash tun for a half batch (2-3 gallon) brew?
I have a 10 gallon mash tun (chest cooler) and I've been brewing with pre-made kits. I want to start making my own recipes but I want to do half-batches (2.5 gallons) until I get the hang of things so I don't waste a bunch of grain and bottling time.
Is my current mash tun too big for the 2.5 gallon batches? Should I just suck it up and do full 5 gallon batches?
Here is my process: I do a single step mash, heating the water on a propane burner and adding it to the cooler then waiting the appropriate amount of time. I then do a two step batch sparge.
Topic mash-tun small-batch all-grain homebrew
Category Mac