What to do when american wheat ale turned out to have too high extract?
I used to have a problem - too much water due to extracting every last bit of sugar. That gave me 90% to 95% efficiency, but also it was a lot of work to boil it down to manageable and usable amounts of wort.
This time I aimed at 70%. I created my grain bill to target 12 Brix (around 1.048 OG). It was simple, 2.5 kg pale ale and 2.5 kg wheat malts. I only sparged to get my 30 liters of preboil volume and then let the rest go to the sink. "Sadly", it turned out I did things generally better and yet again - I hit about 16 Brix (1.065) at the end. It seems I still managed to get 90% to 95% sugars, in less water. Good thing, but:
- I do not have capabilities to pitch two fermentors now.
- I plainly refuse to waste such a good wort.
- For american wheat it'll be too strong. And I really wanted it to be a session beer.
On the bright side, hops I added should bring it to around 35 IBU (here I was intentionally out of style), so even with increased maltiness it should be balanced.
What are my options now? Is fermenting it as is a good way? Do I really have any alternatives?
It was time and past time to pitch it, but I still want to know what I could have done. Answers telling focusing on fermentation as is would be especially valuable, but I'll appreciate all of them - even ones I can't use now.
Topic wheat-beer all-grain homebrew efficiency
Category Mac