What to do with a stuck fermentation after 2 days with my first beer kit?
I am trying my first beer kit after trying wine once before. I picked up a "Summit Avenue EPA" clone of Summit EPA from Midwest Supplies.
On Monday I did the 60 minute boil, cooled everthing to about 75 degrees F and pitched the yeast. Took a hydrometer reading and got an adjusted SG of 1.031 which seemed a bit low. I moved the plastic bucket with the lid on and the fermentation lock on into the basement which is usually around 65 degrees. Tuesday I checked on it and saw the lock bubbling happily with a bubble every 2 to 3 seconds. On Wednesday I checked again and there were no bubbles at all in over a minute. I decided to leave it for an extra day and see if it worked itself out. Wednesday night I checked again and saw no bubbles for the 2nd straight day. I decided to move the bucket upstairs into a closet where the temperature is a bit higher.
This morning there are still no bubbles and I'm starting to get worried - is there anything I should do to kick start the fermentation (make a new starter and pitch new yeast?) or should I just let it go for a few more days and see what happens? Also is it bad to take the lid off and get a new hydrometer reading this early in the fermentation process?
Topic first-time fermentation homebrew
Category Mac