What to do with not so de-husked Carafa 3 when brewing black AIPA?
I bought what was supposed to be Carafa 3 special. But it has a lot of husk. I don't want roasted bitterness and acridicity in this brew. What should I do?
Today is the brew day and I needed to go with what I had. So I steeped 400g (grounded to about 200-300 microns) in cold water all night. Today I used 150 microns filtering bag and discarded solids. Resulting liquid is thick, black, opaque and hardly bitter. I was planning to add it at the end of mash, to convert leftovers, if any, and to filter it with the rest of my wort. But now, when I know there was husk in it, I doubt if it is the best plan. Should I rather pour it into filtering tun? Or add at the end of the boil?
Topic specialty-grains all-grain homebrew
Category Mac