What's a balanced bittering hop for both English and American ales?
There's tons of hops out there, but I don't have the time or space to try them all, and I like to bounce between English and American ales. What's a good, balanced bittering hop that will let me keep just one bittering hop on hand? For later additions, I'd like to be able to go toward the Goldings and Fuggles (English), or toward the Cascades and Amarillos (American), without any clash of flavor from the bittering hop.
Columbus has a reputation as a "clean" bittering hop, and I've used it to good effect in a stout, but there's so much going on in a stout that it's hard to say whether there was a lingering flavor there.
I'd love to do a series of 30 IBU cream ales with only a 60 minute addition of a single hop each to see if I can detect the differences.