What's the minimum size for a jockey box?
I'm planning on build one cooler based dispensing system for my kegs. My previous experience was with a box with 2 aluminium coils (~15m long) and 2 faucets. It holds a 20 Kg ice pack. And the beer pour is just fine when the carbonation and settings are OK.
But, I've found that for a period of a party/beer session, that amount of ice is overshoot. If full of ice, the box let you drink cold beer for about 3 days very easy. I don't think that I need so much power to enjoy one or 2 kegs.
I want to repeat the coil size because its easy to buy here and I think its long enough. And my goal is to make the more portable system, so I will shot for just one line/faucet.
So my questions are:
- how much small sized it could be to hold the coil and the ice?
- What's the minimum amount of ice to get the beer cold enough? (the temperature range of my city is within 15-32ºC, 20-25º most days; and I want to have an ice autonomy of at least 5 hours or 2-3 corny-kegs ful dispensing.)