When is get_template_part() preferable to simply using the template.php files?
In this post on wordpress.stackexchange.com I asked whether using get_template_part(), as demonstrated in the TwentyTen theme, is a recommended best practice. The general consensus I got was that it was not necessarily the best practice in all situations.
This related question then is: can you provide me with an example where using get_template_part() would be the recommended approach, over simply defining the separate template.php files?
For example, I can either define archive.php, single.php and page.php; or I can define loop-archive.php, loop-single.php and loop-page.php.
In what circumstances would it be preferable to use get_template_part('loop', 'single') and leverage loop-single.php versus simply defining single.php?
Topic get-template-part page-template customization Wordpress
Category Web