Where can I find an algorithm for human activity classification using thigh and shank sensors?
I am working on a project where I initially need to classify the type of activity a subject is performing based on raw accelerometer and gyroscope data from the thigh and shank of both legs. The type of activities would be day-to-day tasks such as standing, sitting, running, sit-to-stand, stair climbing, if playing sports, cutting, etc.
I have tried reading papers and looking on git to find an algorithm that will do this for me. I know that there are a lot of algorithms available, but none seem to utilize sensors on the leg. Most are sensors on the chest or through a person's phone.
Where would I be able to find an algorithm that will take the data I have an classify the activities being performed? Can I do this with algorithms that aren't initially made for the sensor placement I am using?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Topic matlab classification python
Category Data Science