Where can I find free spatio-temporal dataset for download?
Where can I find free spatio-temporal dataset for download so that I can play with it in R ?
Topic freebase dataset open-source
Category Data Science
Where can I find free spatio-temporal dataset for download so that I can play with it in R ?
Topic freebase dataset open-source
Category Data Science
You can get yellow and green taxi trip records from NYC taxi dataset. The website collects data from 2009 until now. You can download the data from the following link: http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/trip_record_data.shtml
If you have R and the spacetime
package then you are only data(package="spacetime")
away from a list of space-time data sets bundled with the package:
Data sets in package ‘spacetime’:
DE_NUTS1 (air) Air quality data, rural background PM10 in
Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
fires Northern Los Angeles County Fires
rural (air) Air quality data, rural background PM10 in
Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
then for example:
> data(fires)
> str(fires)
'data.frame': 313 obs. of 3 variables:
$ Time: int 5863 5870 6017 6018 6034 6060 6176 6364 6366 6372 ...
$ X : num 63.9 64.3 64.1 64 64.4 ...
$ Y : num 19.4 20.1 19.7 19.8 20.3 ...
Another idea is to combine OpenStreetMap project map data, for example, using corresponding nice R package (http://www.r-bloggers.com/the-openstreetmap-package-opens-up), with census data (population census data, such as the US data: http://www.census.gov/data/data-tools.html, as well as census data in other categories: http://national.census.okfn.org) to analyze temporal patterns of geosocial trends. HTH.
First thing that came to mind would be one's personal workout data from running or biking apps.
Otherwise there is a dataset around NYC's taxi trip data. Quick Googling brought me this: http://www.andresmh.com/nyctaxitrips/. Variables include time and location for both pickups and dropoffs.
Another dataset comes from Chicago's bikesharing service. It can be found here: https://www.divvybikes.com/datachallenge.
You can get some documented, publicly available EEG data from the HeadIT database at UCSD. http://headit-beta.ucsd.edu/studies
The data itself appears to be in Biosemi Data Format (.bdf) files, described here: http://www.biosemi.com/faq/file_format.htm
Biosemi provides links to several open-source methods to access and import .bdf files on their website, including several functions for importing into Matlab, as well as into Python (BioSig) and C/C++ libraries: http://www.biosemi.com/download.htm
Just as a forewarning, EEG data can be a bit of a bear to work with, due to it's inherently low signal/noise ratio.
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