Where do you find the degrees Lintner for a particular malt?
Please note: my example here of a 80°L crystal malt was a bad example since specialty malts have no diastatic power. However the same holds true for any base malt I looked for: I cannot find where their Linterns are listed anywhere.
I'm trying to calculate the diastatic power of my recipe which requires me to know the numerical Lintners rating of each grain in the bill.
So I go to my local homebrew store and ask them what the Linters are of several different grains in their store. They have no clue.
I go to NorthernBrewer.com and look at the product details for several of their malts. They report the SRM, the Extract % and Moisture Content (so I can at least estimate PPG), but not the Lintners.
Ditto for MoreBeer.com.
One of my grains is Crystal 80°L, so I google Breiss caramel 80l malt sheet and get a sample malt analysis sheet from Breiss themselves and...nadda. No mention of Lintners. No mention of diastatic power.
So I ask: where the heck are we supposed to get this information from?
Topic conversion mash homebrew
Category Mac